Category Archives: theatre music

die psychonauten: asche

5 september – 9 september 2018 *** The most recent theater piece of analogtheater will be premiered at september 5th at studiobuehne koeln. A quite dystopian view of the only person, who survives a nuclear blast. It’s about live, hope, guiltiness and salvation. “Asche” was written by konstantin kuespert. more info:

nur utopien sind noch realistisch! – second time

7 march – 11 march 2018 *** The theater piece “Nur Utopien Sind Noch Realistisch!” of analogtheater will be performed a second time. Five days in a row from 7th till 11th of march at studiobuehne in cologne. Update: all shows are sold out. More info:

ok, panik – cologne

13 – 14 december 2017 *** The installative performance piece Ok, Panik! appears the first time in cologne. This time as a monologue version performed by martin claussen together with music of christoph “maecki” hamann & ben lauber at fwt-koeln.

how web chews war

15 october 2017 *** a late night group therapy – how web chews war at vierte welt, berlin Two recently discussed questions: How is digitization changing our world? Is everything doomed anyways? These big questions and especially the accompanied feelings expose the hard facts: the common discussion formats are no longer helpful! Schudini the sensitive

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