Category Archives: sound installation

resonant space – copenhagen

28 june – 23 july 2017 *** Resonant Space continues traveling through europe. The real-time-generated multimedia installation Resonant Space (doering/lauber) is part of the group exhibition perspective playground at øksnehallen in copenhagen, denmark. øksnehallen halmtorvet 11 1704 københavn

resonant space – barcelona

10 march – 5 april 2017 *** The real-time-generated multimedia installation Resonant Space (doering/lauber) is part of the group exhibition perspective playground at recinto modernista de sant pau in barcelona, together with a2arquitectos, haruka kojin, humatic, martin butler, schnellebuntebilder. recinto modernista de sant pau barcelona spain more info: perspective playground barcelona 2017

resonant space – cologne

16 september – 10 october 2016 *** The real-time-generated multimedia installation Resonant Space (doering/lauber) is part of the group exhibition perspective playground in cologne, together with works of numen/for use, humatic, haruka kojin, martin butler, oellerich/göbel, schnellebuntebilder. 16th september till 9th october 2016 at carlswerk in cologne, daily from 11:00 – 21:00/23:00.

digital_ia re_manufact

23 october – 30 november 2015 *** The digital_ia arts festival in szczecin, poland opens the doors for visitors to the exhbition re_manufact from 23th october – 30th november. Among other great works of new media art, the sound installation Szczecin Concrète, which was made especially for this event, can be heard and experienced. More

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